Dr. Nadja Fleischmann, LL.M.
Born in 1975 as Nadja Hoffmann; legal studies at HU Berlin and academic assistant with Prof. Axel Flessner; during her PhD studies she was a member of a graduate college programme of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and received a EU scholarship for research periods in Lyon (France) and Nijmegen (Netherlands). Interested in the interaction of law and language, she studied linguistics at TU Berlin. After receiving a Master’s degree from the University of Chicago (USA) and her legal traineeship in Berlin, she joined CMS Hasche Sigle where she worked in the Berlin and Frankfurt offices and became a counsel in 2012.
Founding partner of 3A in 2015.
She is supporting the association “Frauen in der Immobilienwirtschaft e.V.” being a member of the local organization committee.
As a mother of two children she is fascinated by her garden and dedicates her spare time to painting. At 3A she pushes legal services to greater transparency by employing graphic presentation; moreover she engages in designing software at the interface of the legal and real estate industry.
Working languages: German, English