IDIM launches research competition “Digitisation of the real estate industry using the example of operating cost accounting”
In the Digital Real Estate Management Initiative e.V. (IDIM) Architrave GmbH, Beos AG, Bilfinger Real Estate, BNP Paribas Real Estate Consult GmbH, iMSGmbH and 3A Partner as well as the Institute for Real Estate Economics of the TU Kaiserslautern have joined forces to identify innovative solutions for digital real estate management.
IDIM has currently announced a first research competition “Digitization of the real estate industry using the example of operating cost accounting”. The project outline selected by IDIM is awarded 7,500 euros. In addition, the IDIM members contribute to the research proposal in a suitable funding programme for up to two selected project outlines as partners in practice with their own shares of at least 30,000 euros (max. 35 percent of the project sum). Project outlines can still be submitted to IDIM until 30 June 2016.
The aim of the competition is to develop solutions for owners and land users to digitise their operating cost accounts. Applications from universities and research institutes in Germany, Austria or Switzerland that are submitted in 2016 to a funding programme by the federal government (e.g. BBSR/Zukunft Bau, BMWi etc.), the Länder or other research funding institutions are eligible for funding. Further information can be found at https://www.haufe.de/immobilien/entwicklungvermarktung/idim-forschungswettbewerb-digitalisierungimmobilienwirtschaft_262_349904.html
3A, as a more recent legal consultancy firm, stands for the digitisation of legal services through innovative solutions and concepts.