Foundation of Digital Real Estate Management
The Initiative Digitales Immobilienmanagement e.V. (IDIM) [Digital Real Estate Management Initiative] officially launches today. Founded by representatives of the real estate industry, lawyers, software experts and academics, this think tank aims to actively shape the digital transformation of the real estate industry. The initiators come from various industries and have been working for years on the challenges of digitization, the persistence of the real estate industry and tried and tested solutions. For one thing is certain: everyone must pull together in order to continue to be successful.
More than others, the real estate industry has to cope with a constantly increasing flood of information, data and documents. At the same time, the requirements regarding reporting, documentation and transparency as well as quality and risk management are increasing. In asset and property management, in transaction and legal consulting and in both software solutions, changes are emerging that will bring clear advantages to the real estate industry. Nevertheless, large parts of the industry remain in a waiting position and are unable to cope with the pace of digitization. The answer to the question what makes sense and what doesn’t is often hard to answer as insight and knowledge are often lacking.
Maurice Grassau, CEO of Architrave GmbH and founder and CEO of IDIM, sums it up: “Digitisation does not only mean that papers become files or filing cabinets become servers. The entire real estate industry, with its proven workflows and standards, is in a state of upheaval and confronts every company with new, individual challenges. The changes have an impact on the choice of technologies, the way of cooperation, case law, etc. There’s no use putting your head in the sand. Those who close their minds to this development will sooner or later be overwhelmed by the rapid transformation. The aim is to filter out the opportunities and help the real estate industry with solutions and concepts.”
Therefore, on the initiative of Architrave GmbH, the members of BEOS AG, Bilfinger Real Estate, BNP Paribas Real Estate Consult GmbH, iMS GmbH and 3A Partner as well as the Institute for Real Estate Economics of the TU Kaiserslautern have joined forces to identify and further develop innovative solutions for digital real estate management in an interdisciplinary team. On the basis of a critical cost-benefit comparison of conventional and new approaches, the actual added value of digitisation for the industry is to be worked out. At the same time, the initiative sees itself as a forum in which innovative solutions and concepts are discussed and tested for practicability.
Further information on the Digital Real Estate Management Initiative can be found here: