3A on course for growth
Aldo Trentinaglia joined the 3A team in May 2016. He has many years of experience in real estate law. After studying at the Bucerius Law School and completing his legal clerkship, he has worked as an employed lawyer in a Hamburg law firm specialising in real estate for the past 4 years.
Since February of this year, commercial lawyer Antonia Bechstedt, LL.M., has been working for 3A. Following her Bachelor of Laws degree at the Berlin School of Technology and Economics and her Master’s degree in International Commercial Law at Griffith College Dublin, she is now continuing her professional specialization in real estate law at 3A.
Since November 2015, the 3A team has been further strengthened by Fredrike S. Düvelius as a research assistant. She is a junior lawyer at the Court of Appeals. She has a profound knowledge of real estate law, which she acquired in her notary’s office at Gänsemarkt in Hamburg and at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Hamburg.